Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Books Books Books...

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What the world has come to...

"I know what we can blog about! What our society has come to!"

"Oh geez..."

"Oh geez is right!"

2 things we are going to talk about:

1. Paparazzi
2. The Government

First off, we would like to say that we ADORE Jon and Kate plus 8. We believe that they are doing a great job raising their children and doing all they are doing to make sure their lives are happy. The paparazzi really gets on our nerves. They blow EVERYTHING out of proportion, they make money by stalking people, and are VERY inconsiderate! There are great heroes over in other countries putting their lives on the line so these do-do heads over here can stalk people whenever they want. Instead of chasing after people and getting into every ones business, they could go over sees and get some great pictures to help our country be aware of the danger and the hard work our soldiers are doing. Instead of paying the paparazzi for every magazine filled with gossip, sex, and rumors, how about spending that money on supplies for those who lay down their lives so that we can spend time with our families in peace. Honestly, why do people feel the need to follow celebrities every move? It's pretty ridiculous. They are people just like us who get a lot more money and a bit cocky (not that I blame them). Other countries, particularly in Europe, restrict their activites by passing laws and setting curfews. Also, in Norway, Germany, and France, the paparazzi is not allowed to release the photos without permission from the people being photographed. Why can't we be a little bit more like Europe? They seem to be doing well!

Everyone has their own opinions, we aren't writing this to make anyone mad, or offend anyone. We are just stating our opinions, your opinions are welcome as well.

Our only problems with the government, are that they feel the need to keep secrets from everyone and that they find every way possible to make everything sound like it wasn't their fault. What is so bad about admitting your faults? Everyone has them! We understand that secret military plans and weapons are necessary, but secrets about what happens, what had happened, and what will happpen are not necessary. How can we trust a government that chooses not to share with us? It's like a relationship, you can not have a healthy relationship built on lies and secrets. It just won't work out.

Excessive secrecy is often cited as a source of much human conflict. One may have to lie in order to hold a secret, which might lead to psychological repercussions.

And as we all know, "Three things cannot long stay hidden: the sun, the moon, and the Truth." (Ghandi, Buddha)

Your sisters in Christ

Thursday, June 18, 2009

So today...

Kalie went to school while Grace slept then went to work.
Grace picked Kalie up from her house to go to church, which we were extremely late for because Grace had a meeting with her manager. We were so late to church that we got the last sentence of the message, prayer, offering, and two songs. Then we went to chik fil a until they closed and talked to chik fil a people because they are hilarious. We finally got to Gracie's house to where we then proceeded to watch "So You Think You Can Dance" then some cartoons, then watched some super hilarious YouTube videos of people falling.

"Watching people fall is hilarious, that's all I have to say" ~Grace

We are going to spend some time with God by reading our Bibles then get some rest because Kalie has to get up at 7:50 AM!! xD

Kalie showed Grace how Taylor Swift is a song stealer.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Woh. Woh. Wohhhhhh

Grace and I are hanging out and about to eat, play games at the park with friends, and then who knows!

Our day consisted of:
~Waking up early to drop Grace off at work
~Kalie going to ASL Class
~Kalie picking up Grace and doing laundry at her house

But we are going to eat now so we will blog later :]